Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

How to bargain something ?

Bingung cara tawar-menawar dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris? Nah,sekarang saatnya kita belajar caara tawar-menawar.Seperti yang sudah kita tahu,tawar-menawar adalah cara yang dilakukan seseorang untuk mendapatkan barang/sesuatu yang kita inginkan dengan harga murah.Maka dari itu,kita perlu tahu bagaimana caranya agar ketika membeli barang di luar negeri,kita bisa mendapatkan harga yang lebih murah.

Expression dealing with bargaining something

Asking about something we want to buy :
Do you have any skirts?
Is there any coffee?

Asking about the price :
How much does it cost?
How much is it?
What does this pencil/etc cost?
How much is this ruler/etc cost?
How much is that altogether?
How much do these book cost?
How much will that be altogether?

Asking about size :
Do you have a large one?
Can i get a small one?

Asking about the material :
What kind of material is this shoes made of?
What is it made of?

Asking about the method of payment :
Can i pay for it by credit card?
Do you take a credit card?
Can i pay for it in cash?

If you as customer do bargaining you could use this expression :
How about Rp30.000/etc?
Can you male it lower?
Can you lower the price?
Can you give me a discount?
Is there any discount?
Is there any discount for this bag.etc?
That is too expensive,how about Rp50.000/etc?
It’s quite expensive,how about Rp40.000/etc?

To accept the bargaining :
Yes,i will give you 25%/etc discount
That’s ok
Well,just a little
Just for you,it’s only Rp75.000

Dana           : Excuse me,sir.
Salesperson : Yes,sir.Can i help you?
Dana           : Hmm,how much is  that black bag over there?
Salesperson : The big bag or the small bag ?
Dana           : The big bag one please.
Salesperson : It’s Rp130.000
Dana           : It’s quite expensive.Can i bargain?
Salesperson : Of course.
Dana           : How about Rp100.000?
Salesperson : I’m sorry,you can’t get it with the price.
Dana           : Is there any discount?
Salesperson : Our shop isn’t offering the discount.
Dana           : Okay,can you tell me what is it made of?
Salesperson : Of course,this bag made with high quality and this bag also has good design.Moreover,you will get free wallet if you buy it.
Dana           : Well,how about Rp110.000?
Salesperson : Okay.Just for you,it’s only Rp110.000
Dana           : Thanks
Salesperson : Wait me just a moment,i will wrap it to you.And,you should pay it in cashier
(Then,Dana goes to cashier to pay the bag)
Cashier       : Sir,it’s Rp110.000
Dana           : Okay,can i pay for it by credit card?
Cashier       : I’m sorry,sir.This shop doesn’t service payment by credit card.
Dana          : Well,these is my money.
Cashier       : And,this is your bag.Thanks
Dana          : You’re welcome.

Nah,gimana sekarang? Sekarang anda sudah bisa menawar,selamat menawar dan semoga bisa mendapat harga murah!

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